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Télé Montmartre

Guignol aux vendanges de Montmartre. A l'occasion du 20ème anniversaire du jumelage de la République des Canuts et de la République de Montmartre Guignol est monté avec Gnafron à Paname pour accompagner le "Parsident" Gérard Truchet et ses bons gones de la Croix-Rousse pour fêter dignement l'événement lors des célébres fêtes des Vendanges de Montmartre.


Télé Montmartre

Ban des Vendanges; Montmartre Fête la Liberté A l'occasion de la 83ème édition de la Fête des Vendanges Montmartre a fêté la Liberté ....


Télé Montmartre

EN AVANT LA RÉPUBLIQUE DE MONTMARTRE ! Lancement réussi sous le soleil de la 84ème Fête des Vendanges de Montmartre du nouveau livre de Jean-Claude Gouvernon et Martine Clément....


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Founded on 7th May 1921, on the initiative of the most famous artists in Montmartre, painters and draftsmen alike, the Republic of Montmartre has since continued its charitable and cultural actions. In the spirit shown by Poulbot, Willette, Forain, Neumont and Joë Bridge, and thanks to the voluntary commitment of its members, citizens, members of parliament, consuls, ambassadors and ministers, it works in aid of disadvantaged children as well as bringing together visual artists, writers and musicians. Custodian of the Montmartre tradition, its members distinguish themselves by wearing a red scarf, black cape and hat, the famous outfit of Aristide Bruant, immortalised by Toulouse-Lautrec. Clinging to the slopes of its village, this beautiful and great institution ensures that the rebellious yet human spirit on which the legend of Montmartre is built is preserved, while remaining loyal to its motto: Rejoice in doing good !

Key dates in the history of the Republic of Montmartre:

1921: The Republic of Montmartre is founded.
1923: Francisque Poulbot creates the health centre for the children of Montmartre.
1933: The Montmartre vines are planted on the site of the Square de la Liberté, created by Poulbot.
1936: Lucien Pinoteau and Poulbot found the association for kids of the Butte Montmartre, which became the P’tits Poulbots association in 1939 among a battery of drums and revolutionary costume; the creation on Pinoteau’s initiative of a new health clinic for disadvantaged children located at the Place du Tertre then in the Arènes de Montmartre.
1973: The traditional dress of the Republic of Montmartre is created.
1983: Maurice His creates the Commandery of the Clos Montmartre
2003: The Biennale du Livre [Book Biennial] is created.
2004: The Biennale de la Palette de l’Objectif et du Burin [Biennial of the Palette, Lens and Chisel] is created.
2008: The “R of Music” concerts which take place in the Saint-Pierre de Montmartre church are created.

The activities of the Republic of Montmartre

- Christmas for the children of Montmartre;
- Invitation for 5000 children to the PINDER circus;
- Visual Arts Biennial;
- Book Biennial;
- Music Concerts;
- Celebration of the Montmartre grape harvest; opening of the ban des vendanges ceremony by the president of the Republic of Montmartre; grand parade;
- Parade of Saint-Vincent;
- Scotland to Montmartre Parade;
- Gala dinners;
- Giving of the Lily of the Valley to the Mayor of Paris on 1st May
- Sacraments in the vines of Montmartre;
- Cultural tours:
- Activities by the Embassies of the Republic of Montmartre and creation of partnerships with other associations.

If you would like to become a member of the Republic of Montmartre or be kept up to date of our activities, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Head office: BP 70263 F-75866 Paris Cedex 18

President: Alain COQUARD

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